Thursday, October 4, 2012


To make a rocket, you will need the following items:

  • An empty bottle (a seltzer bottle)
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar (white vinegar)
  • One tissue
  • One cork that fits exactly the bottle opening so no air can get out
  • A plank of wood
  • One screw

Take the piece of wood and screw the cork to the plank of wood.
Now, take the tissue and pour a lot of baking soda in the tissue. Then roll the tissue up like a crepe and fold the two ends.
After that, fill 1/8 of the bottle with vinegar.
Put the "crepe" inside the bottle.
Put the cork that is screwed to the plank of wood on top of the bottle.
Turn the bottle upside down quickly and make sure the bottle doesn't fall over.
Run away ... but not too far :-) I just mean that you shouldn't lean over the bottle as it's going to...

Now watch your rocket fly!

By Jonathan

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